Person A: Oh man I’m so depressed, aren’t you sad for me?
Person B: Sorry, its just I’m wearing this poncho, and its impossible to be unhappy in a poncho!.
So says Urbandictionary. And so true.
You cannot but be happy and comfortable in a poncho, right?
A poncho is just a piece of fabric with a hole to insert your head. Can a sewing pattern get easier than that. For a beginner there is nothing like a poncho to cut your sewing teeth.
Fleece is one of the most preferred winter fabrics, and hence very apt for making ponchos. Check out this post on other fabrics suitable for winter clothes.
How to sew a poncho

Child cuddle cape / Poncho

As the name suggests this is a very cozy warm cape /poncho your child will love to wear all the time. Very detailed pictorial instructions

This one is from Martha Stewart

Very creative use of leftover fabric to make a very easy to sew poncho

This one size fits all poncho is the easiest to sew with just one seam and can be used with any dress as a very pretty cover up.

This is a very easy pattern ; you just need a 45 inch wide fabric and one hour to spare to sew it.

Though this one looks very complicated it is actually very easy to sew this ; the author has given detailed photos to go with the instructions. Too pretty and practical not to sew this one for your daughter.

This one looks so fab and fashionable on the model anyone would want to know how to make this. I like the poncho disclaimer in the blog also

This tutorials uses a very pretty throw to make this easy poncho ; You too can use a shawl or throw to very easily sew this glamorous looking poncho.

Very clear instructions with diagrams; this is all you need to make a poncho

A very practical Poncho pattern meant as a raincoat and cover up when going hiking ; this one also comes with a hood.
Related post: Make yourself warm with a handwarmer muff (Tutorial)

This superhero cape will keep your child very much warm and very much entertained.

No excuse not to make this beautiful no sew reversible poncho.
If you want to add a hood to any of your top/ dress to make an instant hoodie checkout this free hood pattern. Or better, checkout this hooded cape pattern and tutorial
Related posts: Different types of cloaks; Free sewing patterns
Related post
Check out the post on 8 ways to sew a cape
Like the poncho’s
Kinda disappointed after going through most of these patterns and finding essentially no patterns. They’re mostly just tutorials from amateur blogs, featuring geometrically impossible instructions like “pin the top edge from the folded edge to the edge (not folded), then sew the top edge to the folded edge” and frequent “visual aids”, all of which could be captioned “First, sew the poncho; Second, omg look so good in this xoxo me #bohemian #alternative #spiritual #LowQualityButPerkyAndAttractive”
No doubt, some of them are nice designs and eventually (once you decipher the monologue) are fairly straightforward… but these are what I’d expect to see on divorcedcraftmom.com or yogurtbabe.org, and I’ve honestly seen better patterns in chronic alcoholism.
🙂 Will improve
just came here from Pinterest looking for simple pattern for my son’s Bruno costume and found this BALLER comment. Props midlifecrisis!
Been working on original design for competition quilt. Put it aside to make some of your ponchos and a cape (winter is coming). Like balm on my brain. Love you. Thanks.❤
Universal Poncho Pattern ……. blog site does not work
Thanks Brenda, corrected
After four dead links I gave up
Hi Polly
Corrected the dead posts ; thanks for pointing them out.
It’s poncho sewing time for me
Love this list -thanx