Why should you learn to make a cape ? Whether you’re gearing up for a costume party, preparing for a theatrical performance, or simply looking to add a unique piece to your attire, learning how to make a cape is a bonus. They are effortless cover ups, casual fashion statements , great for layering, can even be worn as tops over a camisole.
Here you will find step-by-step instructions, tips, and tricks to create your very own custom cape with the fabric of your choice.
Can you not see yourself wearing a casual top and jeans and a cape on top and end up looking like Elizabeth Taylor. Maybe not!
1. Make an easy cold-shouldered circular cape
This is a very easy cape to make . This is just a fabric with a hole – made the way a circle skirt is made. You need a wide enough fabric  ( 45″); this will give you a 17″ long cape
Fold a 45″ square fabric twice, lengthwise and width wise through the center

Mark 5″ from the mid point ( the same way you do for a circle skirt) Mark this point every one inch.Join the dots .Mark 22 inch from the center, to mark the hem. Mark every 2 inch. Join the dots.
Cut through the lines, so that you will get circle with a hole in the middle

I have added a simple fake fur trim
Related post: Faux-fur muff sewing tutorial. To make this trim, I cut a 40″ long fake fur strip of 1 inch and made small darts ( 1/2 inch ) every 6 inches of this strip.

I then joined this strip at the end. Gave me a hexagon like this.

I finished the fabric edges of the top hole and the hem.
Kept the trim near the edge and top stitched in place. You can add satin ribbon or lace trim the same way. Done

2. Make a fitting cape
This type of cape is made in a sheer/ transparent fabric and let me tell you making anything in sheer thin fabric is almost always a pain. Checkout this post on tips to sew thin sheer fabric.
Take 2 pieces of fabric length – 16 inch & width – the full width of your cloth ; Fold by the middle. Mark the following pattern. Cut out the two pieces for back and front with the pattern. The back is cut in one piece; you can give a front opening by giving 1 inch extra at the center fold and cutting.
Sew the sides and join. Stitch the neck and hem the bottom and finish the front edges
The shoulder slope is a little tricky. You will have to trace the outline of a fitting bodice for to make this pattern.Make a bodice following this tutorial

3. Make a Knit cape with a hood
Because it is made in a knit fabric you do not have to do anything with the fabric edges, unless you specifically want to.
Make a hole in the middle of the 45 inch sqaure fabric as per the picture below. Join the 2 hood pieces at the side seams . You have a small tube now. Keep the shorter edge together with the opening in the main piece. Stitch with right sides together. Easy hooded cape

4. Poncho capes
Checkout the tutorials to make some cool poncho capes / jackets

5. Faux fur cape
Faux fur gives real distinction to a cape. You can make a cape like this one at weallsew – it is super easy and looks great

Or make a collar scarf in fauxfur like this one following the tutorial

6. A line Cape PatternÂ
The back pattern is one piece but the front pattern is in two parts.For the back pattern you need 40″ wide and 20 inch long piece. Fold by half and mark.
And for the front patterns you need two 20″ square fabric pieces.
Cut out the pieces and join at B-G for left and right front pieces to the back piece.
Bind the neckline/ Hem the edges with a rolled edge finish. You can add ribbon ties at F of the front patterns .

7. A Super hero Cape
This is the most common type of cape you see around – an unavoidable sewing project for mommies who make costumes for their kids.

You can make one for your kid with a velcro fastening with the following pattern.Take a fabric of length – measure length from shoulder to knee (or till ankle if you want ankle length cape)

To make super hero cape with a lining Just cut 2 pieces of the pattern on fold. Stitch together at the outer edge, right sides together. Leave a 2 inch opening for turning the cape inside out. Turn the whole thing inside out through the opening. Close the opening shut with hand stitching. You can paint or applique your super hero logo on the cape if you want to. Attach the velcro under the extended piece.
8. Sewing tutorial for a hooded cape

Fabric choices for making capes
Which fabric you choose for your cape can make it or break it – but then it also depends on the look, feel and function you are aiming for. Wool is a popular material for capes if you are looking for warmth and durability. Woolen fabric is ideal for outerwear. Boiled wool is a very good option for making waterproof and really warm capes.
For those needing a cape that stands up to the elements, Gore-Tex is an excellent material choice for its water-resistant and breathable qualities. Synthetic materials like nylon are often selected for lightweight and water-resistant capes.
A festive cape can be made in embroidered tulle or satin. Tulle netting adds volume and a fairy-tale quality to capes, making them popular for dress-up and cosplays. Satin can give a cape a glossy, sophisticated finish, while velvet provides a rich texture and depth of color. Usually a cape is a dramatic statement, so the fabric you choose will reflect that.
Line the cape or not?
Lining can give your cape a good structure and an elegant look. And an extra layer of warmth if you need it. And also hide all the seams and cut edges of the fabric. Select a material similar to the outer material as the lining. You can even make a reversible cape with the right kind of lining. 2-in-one.
You can add fleece as lining for warmth. Other options are brushed cotton and flanellette.
Pro tip when sewing long capes : Wind more than one bobbin – it is a long long sewing session. You will need them
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I’m not sure where you’re getting your info, but great topic.
calling anything that doesn’t reach at least the knees a cape is foolhardy and evidence of deeper character flaws. If you aren’t wearing a flowing cloak worthy of an elven king with your mom jeans and art kid sweater you are a coward and history will forget you
Amen brother!!!!
Ben: Unless of course you are a mighty dwarf woman, petite but superior to all!!
Ben this comment gave my life meaning again thank you
Glad to be able to amuse so many : )
I love this so much! Thanks for making me laugh Ben!
Ben, your comment was the best comment in the history of comments. I came here looking for designs for a REAL cape. To WEAR REGULARLY. Thanks for giving me some hope in humanity lol
I was looking for ideas for a cape for bunch of small but important people and truly the only respectful option will be a lower than a knee design.
Thank you!
I wear an animal hide cape. It’s just something to drape over my shoulders so when it’s raining my shoulders don’t get soaked. But it also helps trap in heat around your neck and stops all the heat from escaping from your torso, some. I also have a black cape that keeps me warm. It’s more of a poncho, but it has a hood. Goes all the way down to my socks.
Ben, if you would like we could have a contest to see who can pin an alligator on their back first. Then, one of us could say we are a “REAL MAN.”
She has made beautiful fashion items. We called the short ones capes in the 50′. Why be to critical. Life should be enjoyed. Rejoice that she has shared.
🙂 Thanks
It is possible to see a fitted top without zip
Wow wonderful post but as a beginner I floated and wrongly cut some of my learning cloths but the out come did not make any sense to me. If you don’t I would want more guide
oh what happened – would this post help – https://sewguide.com/cut-fabric-sewing/