Lace is one of the finest embellishments for your clothes – as long as you like look. A gathered lace frill is a nice addition to cute dresses for kids. Here is how to sew it.

Cut out the bodice according to your measurement. Do not cut out the neckline.

Cut out facing for the neckline- first cut out the interfacing in the shape of the neckline. Then adhere it to the facing. Cut out the facing fabric around the neckline. Leave just 1/4 inches along the neckline edge. Add 1.5 inches along the bottom edge.

Cut out the neckline of the bodice to match the facing.

Finish the bottom edge of the facing.

Select lace to add to the neckline.

Gather the lace – you can just fold the lace and stitch in place. Remeber to curve the lace at the beginning if you want the curved shape like a collar. You can also add it as one single piece.

Keep the gathered lace along the neckline – the bodice is kept right side up and the lace is kept right side down. Baste stitch in place.

Keep the facing rightside down on top of the lace.

Stitch in place. Clip the seam allowance. You can understitch the seam allowance to the facing for the facing to fall nicely to the inside (especially if you are not top stitching the neckline later)

Turn the neckline facing to the back and press in place.

Top stitch in place.