A tent dress is called so because, well, what else could it be! – because it looks like a tent. It is a variation of a dress with an A line silhouette. Its shape, flaring out from the bustline gives it the the shape of a tent. It is a very comfortable dress for summer (if you sew it in cotton, or a similar summer friendly fabric, that is)

Let me give a disclaimer – If you like a defined waist in your clothes and do not at all care about comfort and ease of movement – just skip this tutorial, will you?. And if you decide to make it, don’t tell me I didn’t warn you – it is very easy to sew.
Tutorial to make the tent dress
What you need to know and the measurement you need to take : Take your bust round, upper arm round and shoulder to shoulder measurement. The length of the dress is dependant on the width of the fabric you have, as you will see. About the fabric you can use to sew, any dressmaking fabric goes.
Step 1. Fold the fabric by the diagonal
Usually when you are making dresses, you will be told to fold the fabric by the middle, lengthwise, parallel to selvage. But to make the tent dress, you will be folding it by the diagonal. This folding is what gives you the flare for this dress.
To make this tent dress, cut out two fabric pieces in a square shape. So if you have a 45 inch wide fabric, cut it 45 inch long. Do not take lesser than 45 inch fabric – unless you want that short a tent dress. If you have more than 45 inches, very well. Because I think the dress made from the 45 inch wide fabric is a little short.
Stack the 2, 45 inch squares one on top of the other. Then, Fold the fabric by the middle in the diagonal.

You will be marking the pattern on this diagonal fold. The flare of the tent dress if the width of the fabric folded this way. If you look at the picture below you will get an idea.

Step 2. Mark the armhole and neckline sperarately.
Mark the armhole and neckline as per the picture below, for the front pattern.

Mark the armhole and neckline as per the picture below, for the back pattern.

Step 4: Sleeve Pattern

This is a very short sleeve – around 5 inches ; Increase the sleeve length according to your preference. Cut out 2 pieces for the sleeves – Mark the following on this :
A-B = shoulder to bicep or 4.5″
E-F = Same
B-C = E-D = 1.5″
A-F = Bicep round plus 2 inches
M-N = 1″
Step 3: Join the shoulders

Step 5. Neckline binding.
Measure the neckline edge of the dress. Cut out bias binding strip of length equalling the neckline edge plus 1 inch.

Start joining the binding. Start by folding the binding to the outside and sew to the neckline edge. It is better if you already finished one edge of the binding strip.

When you reach the end, over lap.

This is a picture in closeup

Turn the binidng to the back of the neckline and sew in place.

Step 6: Sew the sleeves.
Attach both the sleeves to the bodice.

Step 7: Finish the hem
Sew the sides and finish the hem. For finishing a curved hem line like this one, of is always better to use a baby hem.

You didn’t think it would be this easy, right?

Related posts : A line dress pattern; Names of all types of dresses