Learn About Our Readers
We surveyed over 3000 Cuteness readers to find out their thoughts on common pet-related questions. As we reemphasize our commitment to ethical pet practices, it was important to us to find out what our readers thought as well. Here's who we surveyed and what we found out:

Do you currently own a pet?
87% of Cuteness readers currently have or foster one or more pets.

What type of pet do you own?
Most Cuteness readers are dog (66%) and cat (54%) parents, though some are parents to fish (12%), birds (11%) and other animals (15%).

Do you currently have or want pet insurance?
Pet insurance isn't top of mind. Most Cuteness readers do not currently have pet insurance (71%) or are unsure about pet insurance (11%).

What do you do when you're looking for a new pet?
84% of Cuteness readers agree that adopting or looking for qualified, ethical breeders is the best way to look for a new pet.

What types of toys do you buy for your pet?
Cuteness readers love to spoil their pets with their favorite toys (61%), love a bargain (35%), and listen to expert recommendations before making toy purchases (26%).