If someone asked me to choose one fabric out of all others to make flowers I would choose felt – it may not have the smoothness of Satin, volume of Organdy, luster of Organza or luxuriousness of Silk – still the bright vibrant colors and ease of attaching with glue, non-fraying edges, stiff looks but malleable nature and the fact that there is less work involved in making anything out of felt makes me a convert – felt is great for making beautiful flowers.
Making flowers with Felt – 10 easy DIY ways
Method 1 for making felt flowers

This felt flower is made by cutting several petal shapes. Here I have used 7 petals for one flower. Cut one small petal shape for the middle bud.

Curl the small petal to look like a bud. Stitch in place.

Overlap the other petals over the bud.

All the other petals should be placed half way of the preceding petals. Stitch everything in place

Method 2 for making felt flowers

To make this felt flower, cut out similar circles and one small circle as a base for the petals.

Fold one of the circle by half and then again by half. Stitch the fold in place

Keep this on top of the base circle and stitch that in place. Fold all the other the petals the same way and arrange on the base and stitch in place.

Method 3 for making felt flowers

This felt flower is a variation of the first flower, but with a denser middle portion (pistil of the flower)
To make this flower, cut out a long strip of 3/4 inch wide felt piece and cut fringes. Roll into a tight roll and stitch in place

Keep in between petals and glue or stitch in place.

Method 4 for making felt flowers

This flower is made by rolling a long strip of felt fabric piece cut into fringes along one long side, around a pistil – it could be a store-bought pistil or one you have made with a fabric piece rolled around a small wad of cotton.

You can make thinner fringes and a thicker wider middle portion for a flower like Daisy- method is the same.
Method 5 for making felt flowers

This felt flower is made by cutting several circle pieces from the felt of your choice.

Make a half way cut on all circles as in the picture below

Overlap the edges to make a curved petal. Stitch the overlap in place.

Method 6 for making felt flowers

This is a simple flower made by cutting two or three simple flower shapes.

Keep them stacked so that they fill the spaces in between petals.

Stitch beads in between

Method 7 for making felt flowers

For making these felt flowers mark 5 petal flowers and cut them out. Make as many as you want – these are small flowers that look better when there are many.

Cut them out

Make running stitches in the middle

Keep a bead in between and stitch in place, tightening the running stitches so that the petals form around the bead

Method 8 for making felt flowers

To make this flower cut out 4 petals in the shape given below

Make gathering stitches along the base of each petal. String the other petals as well on the thread and needle

Gather the flower- this will happen as you tighten the thread.

Stitch a bead in between.
Method 9 for making felt flowers

To make this flower cut out circles of varying sizes that can be stacked

Cut out petal shapes along the outer edge of the circles.

Stitch or glue in place. Arrange beads in the middle
Method 10 for making felt flowers

Roses are the ultimate in flowers – there are many ways you can make a felt rose, not just one. For making these roses you will have to check out (for step by step instructions to make 4 types) this post – DIY Felt Rose
Related Posts: How to make fabric flowers: 10 ways; Make beautiful fabric roses:10 tutorials; What is felt: FAQ answered
Thanks. The variety I was looking for all in one place. Lovely flowers.
Thanks a lot!
This is what I wanted to know.