Have you ever felt fed up when you had to stop in the middle of a supermarket shopping and go back to the car to breastfeed your baby? Or had to skip a get together because you felt there wouldn’t be privacy at the place for your hungry baby to feed.
Breastfeeding discreetly is a major concern for all mums who want to breastfeed even while they are out of the comfort and privacy of their houses. That embarrassing feeling when you have given the whole world ( it seems like that) a peek is hard to get rid of. Nursing or a hooter hider is what you need in these situations.
Just keep your cover ready in your bag and feed your hungry baby in the comfort and privacy of a beautiful and lovingly handmade nursing shawl. With this garment handy in your bag, you will never ever feel exposed when doing your motherly duty anytime, anywhere.
This breastfeeding cover shawl will cover you discreetly while you nurse your baby in public. It will also act as a stylish cover-up even when you are not feeding. Just fold it up inside your bag after you use it or leave it on as a stylish shawl. This poncho-style shawl looks more like a trendy top rather than a cover.
Method 1.Make an easy peasy Nursing cover without a pattern
You can make the easiest nursing cover by adding an 18-inch long elastic to the two corners of a 30-inch square piece of fabric. Just put your head in the elastic loop and have a nice and easy nursing cover. Finish the edges of the fabric with a turned-under finish or a trim if you want. Nurse your baby in joy without any embarrassment.
If you want a more stylish one, which you could use outdoors also, follow the tutorial given below. It is very easy to make as well with just one seam to stitch.
Method 2. One seam Easy Nursing Cover
I would recommend that you make it in 100% cotton knit fabric for your comfort as well as for your baby’s. You can also use an old shawl to make this beautiful but easy-to-make nursing cover. Make this in a number of your favorite colors and with different trims.
You can also personalize each of them with your baby’s name embroidered on them and some cute floral designs. Do a beautiful picot edge or shell edge for the raw edges of fabric, or sew any fabric trims.
Buy 60 inches of fabric to make this shawl. To finish this cover, you can also piece up some beautiful fabric scraps in your stash—Mark 25 inches width along the other side.
Fold your 60″ long piece of fabric right sides together so that you have a pattern with two layers measuring 30 inches by 25 inches
Measure 13 – 15 inch from the right side corner of the folded edge (A-C) ; This is the neck opening.
Stitch the seam from C-B with a 1 inch seam allowance if it is a cotton and 1/4 inch seam allowance if it is a knit fabric.
Hem the edge of the neck opening and the bottom edges if it is a cotton cloth; if it is knit, you can leave it as it is, as the knit fabric does not fray. ( The seam you have sewn will lay across one of the shoulders).
There you have it – the best nursing shawl type poncho ever, sewn by you.
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