As in men’s clothing, a girl’s tie is worn down the front of the bodice and fastened at the neck. They are usually made with lace or soft flowing fabric.
A Jabot was in fashion, even a rage, sometime back, which is basically an ornamental tie with a cascade of pleated fabric or lace attached around the neck, and which is worn down the bodice.
You can make similar ties for yourself in a subtle fashion to match your outfits and look modern as well.
The options available to you are not limited to but includes the following
Different types of neck ties
for women & easy ways to make them
Wide neck tie
This is a short tie that covers the neck round and then makes a simple knot in the neck. Frills can be attached to the edges or the face or embellished with beads and sequins. If embellished with frills it can look like a Jabot. If made in wool it can warm your neck.
To make this tie you should take two fabric pieces that are 6 inches wide. Measure the neck round at the base of your neck and add 20 inches to this measurement.
This is the measurement for the length of these fabric pieces. Fold them by half, then by the center. You will get 8 layers of fabric as below.
Mark the tie 1 1/2 inch at the narrow part near the fold and the wider part at the edges at 2.5 inches.
When you open it up you will get 2 fabric pieces which are of width 5 inch at the edges and 3 inches at the center. Pin them right sides together and sew the edges.
Leave 1 inch open for turning inside out. After turning the right side out, sew the opening closed, with a ladder stitch.

Long Bow neck tie
This is a very wide and long tie. Measure the neck round and add some 35 inches more to it.
The tie is about 4 inches wide at the edges and 2 inches at the center. If you do not have enough fabric cut into two pieces and join at the center at a 45-degree angle as shown in the pattern picture below.
Then fold the fabric piece by the center fold line and sew along the fabric edges, right sides together.
Leave some space unstitched to turn the fabric tube inside out. Use invisible stitching to sew the edges by hand closed.

Cascade tie
This is a tie made with a band of fabric to which a cascade ruffle is attached.
Make the ruffles as per the picture below and attach it to a thin tube of fabric about 1″ wide.
You can use velcro fasteners or button closure for fastening the band behind the neck. You can increase the circle’s diameter for bigger ruffles.

Thin Neck tie
This is a thin necktie made with just a tube of fabric. Cut a strip of fabric that measures 30 inches in length and 3 inches in width.
Fold it lengthwise, right sides together. Sew the long edges together with a 1/4 inch seam allowance.
You have a tube with you now. Turn it inside out using a safety pin. Press the seam to the back of the tube.
Turn under the side edges and press. Sew the side edges closed.
You have a tie ready. (Do not use the selvage portion as I did, it is visible, contrary to what I thought)

The man’s tie
You can steal your man’s tie and wear it with elan.
Avoid looking too masculine, by wearing it with feminine blouses. I would think that the man’s tie is a little too wide for a girl.
A skinny tie would make its own fashion statement. You can make your own tie using the tie sewing pattern given here ( make it a little bit thinner by slightly altering the pattern).
Make it your own by choosing floral prints or psychedelic prints.Or You can go all out for an androgynous look as well, as the girl below.
Tie Jewellery
If you do not like the look of a man’s tie around your neck, refashion it. The austere tie is transformed into a beautiful necktie worthy of a fashionista with this project. Check it out at

Bow tie
You needn’t limit wearing a Bow tie with a button down shirt. Try wearing it with a sweater cardigan, or a dress with a collar.
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