Our family sometimes goes on a movie marathon on weekends and watches two-three movies back to back. When this happens with kids who are prone to cold and cough, some sort of ammunition is the only way to survive so many hours cooped inside the artificially cold place – the movie theater.
Jackets are good but a hoodie scarf with pockets was an idea that came to me after watching a girl in a serial always under the hoodie or the scoodie. So easy to make and the best wardrobe addition this winter. On chilly night outs nothing like this hoodie to give you warmth and coziness.
You can make this scarf in any warmth giving fabric like fleece, flannel, knit fabrics. I made this in denim scraps from old jeans.
Materials needed to sew the hooded scarf:
1.25 meters of outer fabric (1.36 yard)
1.25 meters of inner lining (no need to buy this if you are using the outer fabric for lining also. You will get enough from the 1.25 meters for outer fabric and inner fabric if you have a 45 inch wide fabric)
(Checkout the post on fabric measurements)
Make the hooded scarf pattern
Draw a rectangle such that A-B = H-K = 11″ & B-K = 15″ = A-H
The scarf extension is marked from K- J = 5″ =L-M and height of the scarf K -M = 27″ or the height you need, for a man or for a girl above 5’4″ you will need to increase the length. From the top of the crown of your head to the bottom edge this scarf will be about 40 inches so consider this.
Give shape to the hood by making these markings inside and joining the marks in soft curves
H -I = 3″
N-I = 1″
A=F = 2.5″
Cut out two pocket pieces – 5 ” wide and 6 inch long

Cutting Instructions:
1. Cut the pattern pieces 4 times if you are using the same fabric for the lining and outer fabric; 2 times each for lining and outer fabric if lining and outer fabric are different. You can either cut the outer pattern and lining in one piece ( one side) or two pieces for hood and the scarf and then join separately. I have joined here because I used up scraps of old jeans to make this hood. You can draw and cut it as one piece, which is the best way.
2. Now cut out the pocket pieces . The 2 pocket pieces are 5 inches in width and 6 inches in height
Sewing instructions for the hooded scarf with pockets
Step 1.
Sew the inside of the hood together with right sides together at the top curve from E-I .Do this for the lining as well

Step 2.
Join the scarf pieces one by one to the outer hood and the lining ( You can do this step first before joining the hood pieces. ) Skip this step if you have the whole hooded scarf in one piece, rather than many pieces like mine.
Step 3.
Hem the top edge of the pocket pieces either by hand or machine. I have done blind stitch hem . Checkout the tutorial to do blind stitch . It is very easy to do and in one minute you have a hem which looks invisible from the outside.

Step 4.
Position the pocket as you would on the right side of the outer fabric, then place lining on top right side down.
ie the pocket piece is sandwiched between the right side of the lining and outer fabric. Pin in place. Now pin the hood portion also, right sides of lining and outer hood together.

Step 5.
Stitch around the entire perimeter of the hood and scarf leaving a 3 inch opening exactly at the back portion ( I-J) . Start stitching on the face of the hood and finish at the back. Trim the corners at the bottom edge of the scarf
Step 6.
Turn the whole thing right side out through the back opening.Make sure that using a sharp object or your seam ripper or a chopstick the corners at the bottom edge are pushed out.

Step 7.
Stitch the opening at the back closed; you can hand stitch with a blind stitch or slip stitch or machine stitch from the top with a matching thread .
You may top stitch around the hood opening and scarf. This is optional. I have not done it.

Related post : Scarf, stole, wrap and shawl- dimensions; Different types of scarves. ; Easy neckwarmer scarf ; How to make different types of scarves – 7 ways