A Sewing machine is just that – a machine, with lots of hardware parts and sometimes software. It can develop all kinds of hardware problems in the course of its use and disuse (and misuse). So, what to do, as soon as you see something is wrong with the sewing machine?
Related post : Sewing machine parts – Names
What is wrong with your sewing machine hardware ?
When the machine stops working it can be two scenarios – either it signals the end of your sewing machine or it is all about a very simple solvable problem.
- First and foremost see if the foot pedal is working or not. Sometimes it is as simple as that. See if it is plugged on properly. Is the foot pedal jammed? It may stay in this position if it is not corrected.
Check if the machine and the pedal are humming?.
If the pedal is not working, exchange with a foot pedal that works and see if it solves your problem.
- Next see if the bobbin winder is on or off. If it is on, most machines would not work.
- Ensure that the feed dogs are up.
- Then see if the needle is stuck in the bobbin area. Remove the bobbin case and turn the hand wheel. You will be able to see if this is the case. You can try to replace the bobbin case.
If all else fails deduce that maybe something is wrong with the hardware inside the machine.
First 5 steps of sewing machine hardware repair
1.Evaluate the specific problem
You can first of all check out this post – What to check if sewing machine is not stitching – the basic scenarios for trouble shooting sewing machine problems are dealt with specific instructions you should follow for solving them.
Machine is working, foot pedal is working, but you just do not get stitches on your fabric. Do the necessary cleaning, bobbin area checking etc. See that the thread is correctly set in the bobbin with the thread passing through the necessary slots.
If the bobbin area is working, the hook area is turning properly, bobbin case is alright, and still if the problem persists, this usually indicates that there is a problem with the timing of your machine or that something is shattered inside somewhere or that something is stuck inside.
The timing of a sewing machine has to be fixed by a sewing machine mechanic.
2.Do a thorough Sewing machine cleaning

Some problems will go away as soon as you do a simple sewing machine maintenance. You can clean up lint and dust from the parts you can access inside and outside.
You can take out the top thread and bobbin, remove the plastic bobbin cover and the bobbin, the needle plate, take out the bobbin case if you can and brush all the lint and dust build up there, thoroughly, properly. If the bobbin hook has unseen thread tangles you can remove them with tweezers. If the hook has small cuts polish with the finest of sand paper. You can learn more in detail about Sewing Machine Care Guide here.
All sewing machines ought to be taken to a repair shop for deep cleaning every 2 years or so.
3.Ensure that basics are taken care
Usually most minor sewing machine complaints need no repair as such. Some simple actions, other than the above mentioned cleaning, will deal with them.
- First and foremost change the needle to a new one and see. Ensure it is appropriate for the fabric and thread you are using. Insert it so that the flat side is to the back (depending on your machine) and it is pushed all the way up. You can read more on Sewing Needle Types: What You Need to Know
- Ensure that you are using top quality thread and that it has no tangles. Learn more about selecting sewing machine thread here.
- Rethread the machine through all the slots (after taking out the whole top thread out).
- Is the tension well adjusted? Badly made stitches, fabric getting sucked inside, etc. are mostly due to badly adjusted tension. Check out how to adjust it properly in this post on sewing machine tension adjustment.
4.Evaluate whether the machine is worth repairing
Some of the problems you encounter can be self evaluated. Most modern sewing machines are hopeless for DIY repair as they cannot be opened or they may be too fragile for clumsy repair.
Some machines are not worth it to take to a sewing machine mechanic. The repair cost may be more than or just about what it would cost you to get a similar machine. Ask beforehand how much it would cost to repair the particular problem.
Ask if it would cost anything to bring it there for evaluation. Some places charge for even that and give you a bill for service charge. Your problem may still be there, when you get back home.
A machine with metal parts like a metal bobbin case and the oscillating hook is any day more worth repairing than one with a plastic drop-in bobbin case and other plastic parts. The plastic inside parts of the modern machines is usually too flimsy for repair and revival.
A tailor or a seamstress who sews for a living needs a working machine in tip top condition, at all times. And it is heart breaking when the sewing machine decides to go on a lockdown due to hardware problems.
What to do if sewing machine hardware is smashed inside ?
Did the sewing machine fall down? Or you accidentally smashed it with something? Highly unlikely scenarios, but still probable.
If your machine, god forbid, falls down, immediately check whether your needle bar wiggles or not. If it does, the timing of your sewing machine may be off, or something may be shattered inside or the tension dial may have stuck or the bobbin case displaced.
If there is anything smashed inside the machine, it would not run smoothly at all –
- the belt may have worn out,
- clutch is done with,
- the feed dogs may be damaged,
- brackets and springs maybe bent or damaged,
- the bobbin case or hook maybe cut.
You will have skipped stitches, fragmented stitches and all such problems.
If this happens on a modern home sewing machine, you may find it difficult to repair the hardware parts yourself – you will have to take it to the repair shop.
Some parts may be costly and some may even be unavailable. You will be better off buying a new machine, depending on the hardware repair costs.
The cost for hardware repair depends on your repair shop and how much they would charge you for replacing smashed parts, and availability of replacement parts.
On old metal machines, you can replace the parts after opening them up. Those machines can be opened and taken down to their bare frame and then replace most of the parts – if you are a reasonably good sewing machine mechanic.
What to do if – sewing machine hand wheel is not turning
Maybe something is shattered inside or something is stuck under the needle plate. If you have cleaned the whole machine and still this is persisting you may have to take the machine to repair shop. The smashed things inside needs to be taken care of.
Also, ensure that you avoid turning the hand wheel backwards to avoid any future problems with the machine. It should only be turned to the front (towards you)
Final word
My husband drives his car so carefully that we sometimes see cycles passing by – we joke that one day we may even see runners pass by. But this is not me. When I sit behind the wheels of my car, I somehow become Charlize Theron (of the movie The Italian Job). Some reckless current passes through my brain and I start to drive in much the same way that she does, but with a lot less expertise.
Due to some miracle, I am still alive despite of close encounters of the horrifying kind with two trucks, one bus and many many cars. This recklessness is there in me when I use other machines as well, including my sewing machine. So everything that can go wrong, does.
And when it does, I bring out my repair ninja – small scale version.
This post shows you how to maintain, repair, adjust only the simplest of parts, nothing complicated. But let me tell you, I only know this much.
Plug off the machine before doing any repair.
Disclaimer: This is just what I did when I had to, and what I would if I had to – as a nonexpert in sewing machines I take no responsibility for whatever you do to your sewing machines after reading this. But no use not trying to repair a bad sewing machine, right?
Some machines never take DIY repairs very well – Some high end computerized sewing/embroidery machines have too many complications inside that you should never open it up for repair. Give it for repair to a person who knows how to repair, replace and adjust complicated elements in a sewing machine repair.
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Thanks for giving information
I have a singer from the late 70’s. It seems to be locked up. Is it fixable or beyond repair.
Hello! I am a repair tech at a sewing machine store. I think you have written a great article! Very through and I like that you point out all of the sime fixes and acknowledge there are deffinately something not worth trying to fix yourself. I would like to add that most of the major brands have adopted the drop in bobbin and with the exeption of a few machines, they are fully metal on the interior. Just stay away from anything with the name singer on it, and the low end computerized brother machines. As those have the most plastic components. And on a side note, the reason for a plastic bobbin case is because it’s not uncommon with the diesgn for the needle to hit and puncture the bobbin case. And it is much nicer on the machine if it punches through plastic instead of metal. Great article! Just figured I’d give my two cents
Thank you Calvin. Your two cents are greatly appreciated.:)
HI Calvin,
Would you please explain why to stay away from any Singer machine, the reason I ask is because I do have both a Singer and a Brother machine, I know the lower end computerised Brother that I have is not a very well liked machine but when it’s running good I love it, my Singer is a lower end machine I paid about $500 for it, it’s computerised also. I don’t enjoy using the Singer as much as I do the brother. I would really like to know what you really think of it and why and which sewing machine you would recommend,
Thank you for your comment.