Peacock feather is considered to bring in good luck, peace and harmony.
For me, it combines beauty with good fortune and I especially love it because it has all my favourite colors. The original peacock feathers have iridescent colors – metallic blue and green are the dominant colors.

Here are 5 easy peacock feather embroidery designs and some common color combinations that you can use to do these. You can use these to decorate bedsheets, pillowcases etc.
None of the embroidery designs I do will ever match the beauty of the original. But with peacock feather, you cannot go much wrong. They are beautiful, done whichever way.
The designs I have given here can serve as a guideline for you to do your own beautiful peacock feather embroidery
How to embroider a peacock feather

Peacock Feather Embroidery design 1.

Peacock Feather Embroidery design 2
You can work the designs with simple cross stitches.

Peacock Feather Embroidery design 3

As you may have noticed, the peacock feather has a heart shape inside – you can fill it up with satin stitches.

Peacock Feather Embroidery design 4

Peacock Feather Embroidery design 5
Work an abstract peacock feather with fly stitches.

You can copy one of the machine embroidered peacock feathers like this one.

Or a rhinestone fixed design like this.

Embroider the peacock bird like this –

Some fabric prints that you can copy for your embroidery.

Some fabric weaves in peacock feather designs are beautiful and worth emulating through embroidery.

Related posts : Stitches used – Back stitch designs, Satin stitch, Blanket stitch, Fly stitch
Favourite Indian prints and patterns ; Popular Indian textile motifs.
This is awesome. Thanks, will try it
These are very nice versions of peacock feathers. Looking forward to using them on the sewing machine cover. Thanks
Oh, this is such a generous gesture on your part. I agree that this is an important time to something to to keep us busy.
” Idle hands are the workshop of the devil.”
Thanks for sending sewguide u can send some aari work and zardosi work also it will be helpful for us
Hi Meenakshi
I have a zardosi work tutorial with some easy motifs on the site but no Aari work. I will do one after I learn : )
Very gud and easy to follow I liked it
Thanks Naheeda