Leather cleaning is not complex at the best of times. If the leather looks dirty, dust it or gently clean it with a soft sponge with gentle soap or saddle soap and then with mineral water. Wipe with a soft, lint-free microfiber towel. Air dry.
But sometimes, it can get a little complicated.

- If you are the rocker chic who has many leather jackets and leather pants and matching boots to boot and doesn’t mind being seen in all of them at once, or you have that one single leather shoes or wallet and cherish it with your life, or you have a favorite dress with leather trimmings which you do not know how to care of,
Whatever is your scenario, all of us need to know how to keep our precious leather things safe and sound. We have paid through the nose for these and we want them to last.
And at times leather care can seem complex. Variables like previous usage, type of leather, exposure, the dirt on it, etc. change the way you care for it.

☝ Try not to get the leather wet from rain, etc. Leather can shrink. And on rare occasions may leave marks, especially because of the polish you may have applied. So wipe any excess water immediately, especially if your waterproofing treatment /conditioner has worn off.
☝ And if the leather gets wet (which should be avoided) DO NOT rub on it. Just pat it dry.
☝ And dry it naturally. Do not use a hair dryer to dry leather. It will make the leather stiff.
☝ When possible, use leather caring products made with natural ingredients.
☝ Keep leather products away from direct sunlight.
☝ Natural leather and the coated leather require different types of care, so it is important you know which is which. If the leather thing is very costly it may fare better in the hands of an expert who knows his job.
☝ Some leather will have a high absorbency of water like aniline leather. You can do a water test on it by dropping one single drop of water if possible. Then you can touch and see the softness and the protective coating on the leather.
☝ Whatever product/damp cloth you use, ensure that you work quickly – as most leather absorbs anything liquid that touches it.
☝ If food has spilled on leather and dried, gently scrape off the surface with a blunt knife or something hard.
☝ Do not use hairspray, sanitizer, toothpaste, etc. on your leather. Do not. Use a leather cleaner specifically designed for the type of leather you have. Follow the product’s instructions carefully.
☝ Other than dust, oils from your body, cosmetics etc can also accumulate and penetrate the protective coating on leather and damage it prematurely. If body oil has made a mark on aniline leather, be prepared to get it cleaned professionally. Do not expect to remove all the marks with home cleaning.
☝ Expensive leather calls for a professional or deep clean once a year. And a leather protective layer to protect leather against all contingencies.
Steps for cleaning leather
Caring for leather at home is a 4 step process :
1)You need to clean leather and remove stains if any.
2) You need to apply a leather conditioner to repair if there is any cracking and also restore softness if leather has dried out.
3)Then you need to polish the leather surface to get it to shine.
4) Finally seal the surface and waterproof it, using leather wax.Â
✔ Use a good quality clean damp cloth to wipe leather products from time to time. Use a Lint Free Cloth.
✔ Mild dish-washing liquid solution at home can clean most dirt from leather – if you are unsure use branded leather care products.

If you are cleaning leather clothing, you should know that the lining and even the stitching line can become dirty from sweat. So you should clean the inside as well. A professional cleaning may be needed for this.
Some leather, like naked leather, should only be cleaned – no conditioning, sealing, etc. There is no need – the natural oils of the leather will condition the leather.
Many people recommend conditioning the leather at least once a year to prevent the leather from drying out. But if you have very high-quality leather, the coating on it will not need conditioning for a very long time. But when you feel it needs conditioning, use a high-quality product.
During winter, Leather conditioning should be done at least 2 or 3 times per year. If the leather is in touch with water, it should be treated more frequently.Â
But be aware that leather is a natural product and too much conditioning can clog the pores. Use sparingly. Some bad-quality conditioners may cause darkening.
If you want a natural product, you can try mink oil. This may change color so try it first and then use it on the surface.
DIY Cleaning solution for leather
Dilute baby soap in some water. Dip a sponge in this solution. Lather it into foam. Now move in small strokes along the grain of the leather. I have cleaned food spills like this from leather.
The process of cleaning leather goes like this –
- Use a special leather cleaner or mild baby bath liquid soap or gentle body wash. Pour it in some water and dilute.
- Rinse your cleaning sponge on this solution and lather. Apply this foam on to the leather ; use a circular motion to clean – agitate gently with the sponge. Do not spot clean if you notice a stain – this may lead to that single spot fading. Just clean the whole area equally. Frequently rinse the sponge in water if you see it getting dirty while cleaning.
- Wipe off with a clean terry towel or absorbent paper towels. Air dry.
 Use a soft buffing towel to polish the leather to a shine.Â
- Use a protective conditioner / cream (recommended by your product manufacturer, if any) to protect it from oil and dirt in the future, immediately after cleaning. It usually comes in a spray bottle and you can spray it on the surface and then use a white cloth to spread it out evenly. You just need to apply a thin coat ; any excess should be wiped off. You can rub it in thoroughly.
- Allow to dry thoroughly.
- Rest the item for 2 or 3 days after conditioning before use.
This is an optional step. Use a leather protection cream if you really want to protect the leather from stains, watermarks, etc. Ensure that the leather is completely dry. Silicon sealants are discouraged on leather.
That is about it. But you may still have some questions. Here they are.
FAQ 1. What are the precautions to take when cleaning leather.
The first thing I have to say is – Do not wait for your leather item to fall into a puddle before you think about taking care of your leather product. Leather is not difficult to manage. It does not damage easily, especially good quality leather. But once you have a stain or a tear, you have cause for concern. Everyone starts to think about leather care then.Â
With leather care, you need the leather to look good at the end of the cleaning but, at the same time, not do anything that will cut short its life. But before embarking on cleaning leather, you should realize that leather is skin, and it will naturally age and change color, develop a patina etc.
If you have a branded item, maybe the brand has recommended certain products adaptable to their product. .Â
Whatever you use, always test your cleaning product to check for colorfastness /fading.
Check out this post on the different types of leather to know what kind you have so that you can work appropriately.
If your leather product needs stitching and polishing maybe an expert will do a better job than you can ever. Inquire with workshops in your area specializing in leather goods.
FAQ 2. What is the number one tip on maintaining leather?
Good quality Leather can last a long time if proper care is taken – just protect it from heat, direct sunlight, and water.Â
So buying quality leather> – This is the first step in maintaining your leather.
If you’ve got it wrong in the first instance (when you buy it) you are going to have trouble throughout the lifespan of your leather product.
Some marks are not to be removed. If your new leather jacket develops small “wrinkles” you should know that they are natural – it is adjusting to your body. A jacket that looks worn and used has its own charm Do not think about removing every sign of use.
The leather which has a protective layer on top like the pigmented leather is easier to maintain. Â Semi-Aniline, Pigmented Bi-cast & Rub Off leathers are easier to maintain because of the top coat they have. The polished surface does not damage easily. The additional protective layer of the leather help protect against spillage and make the leather easier to clean in future.
If you have suede or nubuck leather product be careful with water spillage or any kind of stain.
Rub-off leather may lose some of its colour with heavy usage.
Check the product to see if there are any visible flaws. Sometimes different parts of the same product may have different kinds of leather. This might not be apparent at a glance
The top quality aniline leather is super soft and super comfy but you had better be prepared to maintain it well. The highest quality leather does not have many coatings that protect it from damage so you will have to be extra careful with it. They take stains easily. So for everyday use, better to buy one with protection.
But nowadays, most smooth-grain leather comes with a protective finish already on it. You do not have to add any. Treat leather shoes, boots, bags, etc with a water-repellent finish for leather to protect them from the elements (rainwater).
Checkout the different types of leather in this article.
A very light-colored leather with a heavy grain will give you some headache if it needs cleaning. The dirt will get trapped in the grain and will need professional cleaning.
Cheap quality leather that is poorly made will harden and disintegrate within no time. Some will have flaws that will be hidden. However you maintain it, it will look bad, whereas top-grade leather will look better with age with the right maintenance.

When leather gets dirty, there will be a dark shine to it – not the healthy shine of leather but a dirty, cloudy shine. These stains may accumulate over a period of time with exposure to your makeup, hairspray, hair gel, etc. You may not even notice them at once. But then, one day, your favorite leather goods will look really dirty, and you will know.
Then there are the stains (ink mainly), rips, tears, scuff marks, scratch marks, color changes, and visible cracks -all damages to leather that need attention.
Some problems like lifting, bubbling or separation on coated canvas are not possible to be corrected. Body oil marks on aniline leather (the absorbent kind) also may not disappear with home cleaning.
FAQ 3. How to remove dirt on leather ? Can you clean leather with water?
Regular wiping will remove dirt before it becomes a major problem.
Dust your natural leather item with a soft cloth, at regular intervals – so that your leather remains dust-free.
You can also Lightly vacuum or brush the surface if there is excessive dust and dirt present.
Wipe with a barely moist clean soft cloth and dry-wipe with another dry cloth immediately for a thorough clean. That is how you remove dirt from leather.
About cleaning with water, yes and no. Yes, you can use water, but just enough to gently wipe the leather surface with the damp cloth or sponge. Do not saturate your leather with water. Use distilled water instead of tap water for this wiping.
Clean suede with a suede brush or sponge. You may need to clean a newly bought suede item thoroughly with a terry towel to remove the dust from crocking.Â
Nubuck leather should be lightly vacuumed regularly – no wet cleaning for suede/Nubuck leather as water marks can appear.
Use a very mild cleaner especially if the leather you have is aniline leather with no protective layer on top. Do not use solvent cleaners on Nubuck leather.
Never use the hair dryer on leather – though it is tempting. A surefire way to destroy the leather. Leather needs to be dried slowly, so do not go for shortcuts. Air-dry at room temperature.
Any cleaner you use, I would suggest that you test it on an inconspicuous place before ruining , I mean cleaning, the whole thing.
This kind of cleaning can clean stains left by dirt, recent bleeding from other clothing, etc.
(A tip I have read – use Alcohol on shrunk leather to bring it to stretch).
And how to deal with water spills on leather?
If you have a spill, blot it immediately with a clean cloth or sponge. (no paper towels). Dry immediately with a dry cloth. Empty everything from the item and stuff it with tissue paper to absorb all moisture. Air dry at normal temperature.
Religiously do this every time your leather product gets wet. Water damage is real.
FAQ 4. How to store leather ?
Two main setbacks in leather care are mildew and sun damage – both caused by improper storage
Leather can develop mildew on its surface, especially if you have stored it inside a wardrobe or, worse, a plastic bag. Never closet leather inside plastic containers, plastic bags, or in places with humidity. A cool, ventilated area is the preferred storage place for leather.
The most ardent leather lovers have special bags made in muslin / thin cotton to keep their leather items moisture free. You can at least use cotton fabric pieces to wrap and store leather.
I always keep the silica packets that come with all electronic goods and keep it in my wardrobe as we have high humidity here – good for wool and leather.
Do not overexpose leather to sunlight. Fading due to sunlight can look very unattractive and damaging as well. It is impossible to reverse sun damage. You may have to dye that whole product and even then not get back the even color. When storing, Keep away from sunlight – period.
Never store sweaty leather jackets/shoes inside the wardrobe. Let it air dry before storing.
FAQ 5. What to do if you notice Tears on your leather ?
A tear in leather is truly heartbreaking. But the good news is an expert can repair it so finely that it will look as if there has been no such tear there. Read the word expert, and it is costly. Usually, tears are covered with patches. As leather is a nonwoven material, it is difficult to do the usual mending that you do on usual fabrics.Â
There are repair kits available in the market with DIY instructions which you can follow to the ‘T’ – you may get satisfactory results depending on the skill you have at such works – no guarantee. The repair process involves making a clean cut of the hole and then attaching a patch from behind and then gluing it. I would leave it to the professional if it was mine.

Ensure that the rip is not caused by the leather rotting because of drying off. In that case, you may need to condition it as soon as possible to stop further damage.
FAQ 6. How to deal with stains on leather ?
Store stain sources like pens and lipsticks inside a pouch, not in the pockets of your leather jacket or bag.
Also, make sure that you are not wearing new clothing which may bleed next to a light-coloured leather item. Prevention is better than cure in leather care.
Pen ink stains – don’t even think of removing them yourself. Give it to professionals.; even for ink pen stains, not only permanent ink stains. DIY solutions will further damage the leather surface.
If you get any oily stain on the leather, wipe the oil ( like butter, oil grease, etc.) immediately with a dry towel or tissue to wipe the grease off. After some time, the excess oil will be absorbed by the leather. No use trying to wash off the oil.
One main tip is – Do not wait for any stain to settle for long on leather. Deal with fresh stains immediately.
Do not use petroleum based cleaners at home.
Do use a microfiber cloth for cleaning spills and Do not use paper towels for this. They will get soggy and cause more problems.
Don’t pour or spray cleaning solution on to leather surface directly.
The wet stains can be cleaned if treated immediately.
Do not use a strong alkaline soap on leather. The white caustic nature of the suds from this soap will harden your leather.
There are many home DIY leather repair kits available, but There is no guarantee that home treatments on leather will remove engraved stains completely. Sometimes it may even destroy the leather. So any DIY on stains should be done very, very cautiously. Grease, ink, cosmetics, and permanent markers – these are potential professional cleaning candidates.
Some stubborn stains, like a spot where something bled into your leather or a pen mark or bleach spot, may be impossible to remove even for professionals. You may have to re-dye the whole product.
FAQ 7. How to avoid the horrible smell on leather?
Do not wear leather clothes when you expect to perspire a lot. Perspiration can make the leather smell bad.
So does mildew. Do not let moisture remain in leather. Air dry after getting wet and then store.
If leather develops the odor, you can try any odor-absorbing powders (usually used inside shoes), or as a DIY solution, use our panacea for all ailments and problems – the baking soda powder. It can absorb dirt and smell.
FAQ 8. What to do if your leather has become hard?
The leather becomes hard after some time with misuse or sometimes naturally due to the poor quality of the leather. This is especially true for belts, and at times, shoes. You may have to soften it somehow. Also, regular moisturizing is important to prevent hardening and cracking.
You can apply a commercial softener/conditioner on leather periodically. Some posts I have read suggest applying coconut oil – but I tried it and my belt turned a shade darker. Coconut oil also smells. I have read about applying vaseline/petroleum jelly too but have not had the courage to try it on leather. But it must work as leather is skin too.
A mixture of half distilled water and half rubbing alcohol can be used to stretch leather that has shrunk.
Whatever you apply, do it on clean leather. Clean with a leather cleaner, before trying any softener.
Read the manufacturer’s application instructions carefully. The usual way is to apply it and keep it on for a short period before wiping it off gently with a microfiber polishing cloth. This conditioning is recommended every 6 months.
Be very careful with leather conditioners as some may change the colour of the leather. So if you use the conditioner on a piece with a scuffed area that area may have a different color from the rest of the leather after the work. So be prepared.
FAQ 9. How to take care of small scratches and scuff marks on leather ?
Rubbing on other things like your clothes trims your jewelry, and the resulting friction can cause scuff marks on the leather. The leather can sometimes break apart and lose dye from just friction and rubbing in normal wear. The cleaning process may accentuate the condition.
For small scuffs and scratches, you can apply similar colored shoe polish. If you have a bag that is brown or black, you are in luck; this idea will work. A small application and buffing with a clean towel may be all you need. Do not apply too much or you risk hardening the leather.
FAQ 10. How to remove water spots on leather ?
You can try using baby wipes on these kinds of spots. Baby wipes have a small amount of oil which will remove the spots. Do not try this without testing on an inconspicuous area, of course, because some brands may do more harm than good.
Leather is easy to maintain. Then there are those times when you find you cannot deal with it alone- which is when you should approach the professionals – leather care professionals who have the full-on setup ( the right material and equipment) for properly taking care of your beloved leather item.
(Use the washing procedures recommended here with caution and lots of care. Not that they do not work – but you can never say with some types of leather.)